
Small but numerous expenses pile up to administer our reunion and website. We have a seed money budget administered by Marlea Duescher (Weiss). Most of our reunion and website costs are covered by reunion events but the committee will GLADLY accept voluntary contributions from any of our classmates to keep our spirit alive through the years. If you would like to donate any amount for our class, please contact Marlea at >><< . She will give you mailing information and ask if we may recognize you on our website for your donation. THANK YOU!!

We thank these wonderful classmates who have so generously donated to our efforts....
Karin Ades
Tom Browne
Nancy Cannon
Bill Dubats
Vivian Eickstein
Kirk Elifson
Glen Gygax
Ron Henderson
Bill Longbrake
Carolyn Mahnke
Karen Neumann
Jean Oettinger
Nancy Schuletze
Lyn Thierfelder
Arlene Tunnell